Hey Friends,

Jordan and Miranda here, and you are in for a wintery treat in this episode!

We go over plenty of ways you can stay peppy during this frigid arctic blast and hopefully survive the bomb cyclone and the storm that is hitting the East Coast. Even though its freezing cold pretty much everywhere, (even cold in Texas!) we offer some tips on how to stay happy and healthy.

Stay warms friends and enjoy this episode.

We discuss the following ways to stay peppy in the wintertime:

  1. Think about working out and just doing some sort of activity. It can be easy just to sit back and watch TV but that’s not a good way to stay peppy! Play football, join a gym, go swimming (kidding!), just do something active to avoid the winter blues.
  2. It’s better to get outside and get some sun even for a little bit. Beware of frostbite, but be sure to get outside for at least a little bit.
  3. Spend quality time with people whenever possible. It’s okay to be a hermit some days, but don’t go too long without any interaction with others. Uber important if you work from home like Jordan does.
  4. Open the blinds during the day and let that real light in!
  5. Plan ahead and plan for a summer vacation, OR take a vacation right now and head to some place warm. There is no time like the present to plan a getaway.
  6. Reading: Try to read more than you watch TV. Grab a few new books, start a reading challenge, or join a local library!
  7. Light some candles or turn on your fireplace if you have one.

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Thanks for listening and have a great rest of your day and stay warm!

-Jordan and Miranda

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