Title: The Happiness of Pursuit: Finding the Quest That Will Bring Purpose to Your Life

Genre: Non-Fiction Self-Help and Personal Development and Adventure Travel

Version: Paperback

Amazon Rating: 4.5 (344 reviews as of this posting

I ate this book up. One of the best books of 2019 for sure! Chris is a great writer and he gets it. His tips on the importance of finding your life quests are extremely helpful, and his own stories are worth following. 

Let’s dive into the good the bad and the great!

The Good

Chris Guillebeau is one of my favorite authors. He writes with a straight forwardness and has a singular thesis for the book: Make your life extraordinary by setting and completing your most important life quests. 

The book is filled with stories of people who have set and are fulfilling their life purpose. The stories are fascinating and share that you too could easily achieve your dreams, you just have to reach for the stars! 

The Bad

I like when authors err on the side of modesty, (as opposed to making the book all about them) but I wanted to hear more from Chris! His sections where he talked about his journey were excellent, and I found myself wanting more. He has a ton of good stories to tell and a lot of advice to give. 

The Great

The entire book served to confirm my thoughts on living a life of your dreams. A dull and meaningless life isn’t what anybody wants, but what most end up having. We have the ability and potential, we just need to go for it and make something of our lives. 

Chris shares how just about anybody can set a quest and shoot for it in order to find long term fulfillment. From walking across America, making a meal from every country, or putting together the worlds largest orchestra performance, the world is your oyster you must but seize it!

Read it, apply it, and share it with a friend. I loved this book and the message is real and absolutely necessary to breathe in. 

Pick up the book on Amazon here and find your next quest!

Enjoy and best of luck in all of your entrepreneurial endeavors. 


My Rating Out of 100