The INFJ Personality Guide: Understand yourself, reach your potential, and live a life of purpose by Bo Miller

Genre: Non-Fiction Self-Help/Pyschology/Education

Kindle Book: Amazon Rating: 4.7 (88 reviews as of this posting)

The INFJ personality guide by Bo Miller is a great book for INFJs. Since I am one, I devoured it. The book wasn’t perfect, but the author reminded me so much of myself (Tall, INFJ, desire for growth) that I couldn’t help but continue to read. 

Let’s dive into the good the bad and the great!

The Good

Bo is obviously well versed in the INFJ personality. You can tell he has done his research AND lived out most of his examples personally. He isn’t afraid to share what he struggles with, and what he does well. 

He does a great job at dissecting the INFJ personality as it applies to various walks of life. The section I found particularly helpful:

“As an INFJ, it can be hard to remember that most folks don’t see the world the way you do. You look around and wonder why other people aren’t applying themselves more and striving for growth. In one sense, that’s where you come in. INFJs see possibilities for people and help them strive for their personal best. They facilitate life stewardship and personal growth. On the other hand, you’d be wise to recognize that you’ve probably got an inordinate amount of yearning for what could be. Most people don’t feel the pressure to grow, produce, and perform that you do, so cut them some slack.”

SOO good and so true. I tend to get quickly frustrated with this. Having it spelled out for me made me realize that yah, I should probably cut people more slack and be less quick to judge. 

The Bad

As with all personality books and articles, not everything he said applies to me. The author says that all INFJs are great at small talk, but I stink at it. Or maybe I just don’t want to even admit that I’m good because I hate it so much? Not sure. 

I know at some point you need to write with authority in a book like these, but the fact is that not all INFJs are going to be similar in all things. I know this, and I bet the author knows it, but I think a clarifying section could have helped here. 

The Great

In true INFJ fashion Bo shares intimate details of his own life, and how his personality has played out in real time. He motivates and encourages, and this is exactly what INFJ readers need! It was amazing to see this realization.

For the early part of my writing career I conformed without knowing it. I always wrote to what I imagined would be the audience. Instead, I should have been using the strengths of my personality to write in the way that I knew best. Bo does this extremely well in his book, and spoke directly to me. 

His writing had the perfect mix of emotion, vulnerability, encouragement, and excellent tips. I’d suggest this book to any INFJ. 

Pick up the book on Amazon here and learn more about the most rare personality type. Also be sure to check out my post on INFJ careers, side hustles, and hobbies

Enjoy and best of luck in all of your entrepreneurial endeavors. 


My Rating Out of 100

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