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This one is a must read!!
Short Review and Highlights
Short Review
Boom where you’re planted is everything an entrepreneur needs to keep going. As Jason reiterates several times throughout the book, being an entrepreneur can be lonely, frustrating, and challenging. As we all know, even on the best of days it can be difficult to get started.
The book was short, and didn’t dive too deep into any subject. It reads as a smattering of great advice. Still, the point of the book, as I saw it, was to help ignite a new fire within the entrepreneur. To this effect, Jason succeeds mightily.
I found myself writing notes feverishly in my journal as I took copious notes. The book fulfilled the reason I read it, and breathed new life into my entrepreneurial adventures.
I read the book in one sitting while waiting on a flight to London. It’s a no-can-put-down book and the new fire inside was worth my time. Give it a read and see if does the same for you.
Quick Highlights and Memorable Takeaways
- Jason’s idea to come up with one small idea every day really stuck with me. I know that I need to work on marketing specifically, and It’s on my short list of to-dos to make a list of 10-15 quick book marketing ideas I can do right away.
- Focus on what YOU bring to the table. This is a big concept that I believe in to my core. We each have a strong capacity to give back in a unique way. Call it confirmation bias if you want, but I loved that another author is spreading this wealth of wisdom to the world.
- The book highlights entrepreneur specific ideas to take care of yourself, as well as how to manage finances. I found these sections full of great reminders such as “spend less than you earn,” and “use walking time to think.” Simple things we might know are still useful to read if we don’t actually DO them.
- I liked the book’s section on what to wear as an entrepreneur. I have ZERO fashion sense, so I found this section really helpful. It’s not something I’ve seen covered in any other book, and I took note of a few changes I’d like to make, as well as felt comfortable with many of the things I am already doing.
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