Thanks for joining us in this special holiday episode of Freedom-Cast.
We are going to be talking about Gratitude and what that means during the holiday season. Happy that you chose to listen.
Thanksgiving Episode: How to practice gratitude during the holidays
- What is gratitude?
- Why is it a good idea to be thankful?
- Giving to others, and why it is so important to give back, money and time.
Ways to practice gratitude:
- Smile
- Be Mindful of watching negative content online or on TV.
- Pay it Forward- Buy someone’s coffee or donut
- Who to start with? Family, friends, co-workers. Who is one person that you can make a difference for right now?
- Volunteer
- Complement family members instead of trying to bug them or get even.
- Meditation, prayer, and focusing your thoughts on others
- Call your parents or grandparents. Whenever I call my Grandma I know it makes her day because I hear so from many other members of my family.
- Start a gratitude journal. Get your thoughts out there on paper to help you reflect on how good you really do have it.
- Share positive or funny memes on facebook instead of more negative political thoughts.
What are we thankful for?
- Thankful that we have a trust in Jesus Christ that defies any worldly problems
- The move and transition from Hawthorn and our jobs now.
- The apartment and everything in the apartment that we are thankful for
- We are thankful for each other
- Life group and Life Fellowship
- The little things
Thanks for listening to your favorite Podcast over the holiday season. We wish you the very best.
-Jordan and Miranda
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