This is episode #2 in our 8 part series on momentum and crushing goals. We are going to give you some practical tips on how to Create Time and build a margin in your life to do the things you want to do.
Jordan’s upcoming book Volcanic Momentum Get things Done by Setting Destiny Goals, Mastering the Energy Code, and Never Losing Steam shows you how to go from A all the way to Z.
Go here to get more information on the book and to get yourself a copy.
Up this week, we talk about:
- How we as people (and especially Americans) are WAY too busy. We go over the basic things we spend our time doing and show you how much time we actually have left.
- Time is the great equalizer and we only have 24 hours every day and that’s it. We have to choose what we spend our time doing.
- To do this, we learn to manage and choose our priorities. Busyness is a facade that can easily get in the way.
- If we really want to do something and really want to change, there is margin in our lives to make it work. It’s not easy, but it can be done.
- If you want to do something, but it’s not the right time that’s fine as well. You don’t have to pine over that dream everyday, but it can be put to the side and revisited when you choose to make it a priority.
- At some point you are going to have to find the time to take a risk.
- The Aldi story of the century and making cheaper groceries a priority in my life
- Priority tree shown below
- Gordon McDonald quote from Ordering Your Private World- “Your challenge he told me will not be in separating out the good from the bad but in grabbing the best out of all the possible good.”
- Follow the link above to get the book!
Thanks for listening!
-Jordan and Miranda
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