by Jordan | Aug 14, 2019 | Entrepreneurship, Uncategorized
Work life balance seems impossible to reach. Maybe you’ve come to this post in desperate search of a perfect work life balance solution to finally free you of guilt? Maybe you just can’t take another day away from your family, or one more day with a boss that just...
by Jordan | Aug 9, 2019 | Motivational, Uncategorized
It’s over. I did it. It wasn’t even that bad. My first toastmasters ice breaker speech is done! Today I presented my first ever Icebreaker speech for Toastmasters International. If you aren’t familiar with the group, it’s for those who desire...
by Jordan | Aug 2, 2019 | Motivational, Uncategorized
In the mood for a deep and stimulating conversion with thought provoking questions? The following questions will get things started. My wife and I have used most of these over dinner and we enjoy the discussions that follow. Some of these questions err on the more...
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