Living in Lisbon: 2020 Trip Around the World Part 3

Living in Lisbon: 2020 Trip Around the World Part 3

Have you ever wondered at the beauty and majesty of life? There is something magical and intangible about the power of travel. Yes, it's exhausting beyond belief to jump several time zones, but it provides insights to something deeper. Or maybe that's just the jet...

Time with Family: 2020 Trip Around the World Part 2

Time with Family: 2020 Trip Around the World Part 2

We made it to Lisbon! Woot! It took: A snowy car ride to Portland Maine. Though the storm was mighty, my dad slayed it effortlessly. A Snowy and rainy bus ride to Boston. The bus was heavy enough to avoid slippage.  An easy train ride. Besides the extremely...

Embracing Uncertainty: 2020 Trip Around the World Part 1

Embracing Uncertainty: 2020 Trip Around the World Part 1

We love our friends...  Each and every person we’ve met here in NC have become like family to us. We truly feel blessed to have met so many amazing people. On Friday 11/22/19 we threw ourselves a going away party/friendsgiving. It was an awesome time and we certainly...