Skip the 9-5: Eight Options When “I Hate Working” is Your Life Mantra
This is how to stop working 9 to 5 We spend a majority of our lives at work. Most people say or think "I hate working" several times per day. Even the most hardworking among us have definitely sat down at their desks and thought about how much they hate "work." I...

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day, Neither Did it Fall: The Easy Way to Guarantee Success
Rome wasn’t built in a day. It took roughly thousands of days to complete. In fact, it took 365,000 daily wins mixed with guaranteed setbacks and road blocks to get the job done. There is no such thing as an overnight success. Riches, fame, success, and billion dollar...

10 Simple Ways to Be the Reason Someone Smiles Today
Some people have an irresistible charm about them. They never need someone else to tell them to be the reason someone smiles today. I knew a person who fit this bill. She's no longer with us. I hope her memory lives on in anyone positively affected by this post. ...

How to Handle Anxiety as an Entrepreneur Under Pressure
Today's post is a guest post from Oliver Kaufman, the founder of The World Within. I met Oliver while doing outreach for another post on this site, and I'm glad I did! His words are thoughtful and speak to the heart. I'm happy to share this post below....

Work Life Balance Solved: Stop Missing Out on Your Best
Work life balance seems impossible to reach. Maybe you’ve come to this post in desperate search of a perfect work life balance solution to finally free you of guilt? Maybe you just can’t take another day away from your family, or one more day with a boss that just...

Who Am I? (Really?) Toastmasters Ice Breaker Speech
It's over. I did it. It wasn't even that bad. My first toastmasters ice breaker speech is done! Today I presented my first ever Icebreaker speech for Toastmasters International. If you aren't familiar with the group, it's for those who desire to gain skills in the art...

112 of the Best Thought Provoking Questions that will Rile You up
In the mood for a deep and stimulating conversion with thought provoking questions? The following questions will get things started. My wife and I have used most of these over dinner and we enjoy the discussions that follow. Some of these questions err on the more...

The Taking Action Manifesto: How to Become a Fire-Starter
This is it. This is the time for you to act. Make today the day you stop floundering and start taking action toward the one thing you know you need to do, but haven’t done yet. This manifesto will teach you: How to determine your why. Knowing your why is the key to...

From “I Give up” to “Glow up” — 7 Strategies to Meet the New You
“I give up...” We’ve all said it. If you found this post on google, you just told your computer you give up. But you don’t mean it. You aren’t giving up. If you were, you wouldn’t be reading this post, and you wouldn’t be bothering to try to make a change. I have...

How to Become a Digital Nomad in 8 Steps (by a Digital Nomad)
So you want to become a digital nomad eh? This post will show you how to get started. Answering exactly how to become a digital nomad is tricky, but with desire, patience, and hustle you can be one too. Follow the tips here, and you'll leave the 9-5 behind and begin...
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