by Jordan | Feb 4, 2022 | Motivational, On Writing, Uncategorized
It’s not the chicken or the egg. It’s both. I became a writer the day I decided I was a writer. In the next 3 minutes and 43 seconds, I’ll share my story of becoming a writer, divulge the secret magic of the Ikigai, and encourage you to inject a booster shot of...
by Jordan | Oct 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted mobility worldwide, with almost all travel halted last year as national borders stayed closed. According to an estimate from the United Nations in their International Migration 2020 Highlights, the pandemic even managed to slow the rise...
by Jordan | Aug 5, 2021 | Getting to Know Yourself, Uncategorized, Video Bytes
Learning how to take CliftonStrengths Assessment is a great way to find immediate improvement and direction. The test helped me become a better author, writer, and content marketer. It also helped me become a better friend. It might help you too. Gallup...
by Jordan | Jul 26, 2021 | Getting to Know Yourself, Motivational, Uncategorized
How to Avoid Confidence of the Wrong Kind If you charted my levels of confidence throughout my life it would look like an EKG. It has soared to great heights, and dropped drastically. It has risen, but then dropped like a rock. It has slowly Increased, and then...
by Jordan | Jul 8, 2021 | 2020 Trip, Uncategorized
My name is Jordan. My wife Miranda and I recently received approval for a D7 visa to live and work in Portugal. Here’s the full our story including our “why.” I’m going to share all the beautiful (read: pull out your hair) details on the how, and feel free to...
by Jordan | Jun 3, 2021 | Motivational, Uncategorized
This is a story about missed opportunities. “But I can’t run a mile.” I told Chet, my old high school tennis coach, over the phone. “Of course you can! Just do it, even if you’re slow!” Chet said. “I don’t think I’m going to make it on the team.” I lamented. “I...
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